Revised 4/18/17

The following policies were approved by the Board of Directors of Rotary Club of South Jacksonville, Inc. (“Club”) and/or the Board of Directors of Rotary Club of South Jacksonville Charities, Inc. (“Charities”) on the dates indicated.


  1. Banner Design.  The present Club banner design was adopted.  (9/12/76)
  1. Founders' Day.  The founding of the Club shall be observed each year by honoring its Charter Members at the regular meeting which is nearest January 27th.  (4/10/79)
  1. Solicitations.  There shall be no solicitations from the podium at Club meetings for non-Rotary functions.  (1/19/93)
  1. Confidential Information - All member information collected, disseminated and posted by the Club is considered confidential for use by the members only.  Such information should never be released to outsiders for commercial or other uses.  (3/3/70; Amended 4/18/17)
  1. Club Functions.  When reservations are made for a Club function, the members will be charged.  No cancellations will be accepted after the deadline date.  (12/2/75)
  1. Death or Illness in Family.  In the event of the death of a Rotarian, a Rotarian’s spouse, or dependent children, a letter from the President and flowers, or a proper memorial, shall be sent to the members of the family residing with the Rotarian.  Cost to be limited to $35.00.  If a Rotarian, or spouse of a Rotarian, is confined to a hospital, the Secretary shall send an appropriate card.  (10/14/75, Amended 5/20/86)
  1. Dues, Late Fee.  Any member failing to pay dues within thirty (30) days after the prescribed time shall be assessed a late fee in the form of additional dues in the amount of 10% of the dues’ amount or $10.00, whichever is greater.  (5/17/94)
  1. Political Statements and Positions. This club shall not adopt or advance any political agenda, make any partisan political statement, express an opinion on any political issue or support, promote or endorse any political candidate. Further, this club shall not discuss the merits or demerits of any political candidate.

This club may have programs that address political issues, but they must be presented in an unbiased and balanced manner with fair representation of all viewpoints.  A program presented by a holder of a public office regarding the current issues related to the office held shall be permitted only if the office holder is not currently seeking election to public office.  (5/21/03)


  1. Membership Application.

A.  The Form. Our member application form shall have a recap of related policies and procedures on its reverse side. The key points included on the form shall be:

i) each member has the privilege and responsibility to seek qualified persons for membership;

ii) our objective is a Balanced Membership striving to include a Full Representation of the business and professional life in our locality versus a duplication of existing classifications;

iii)    the Secretary/Treasurer is charged with coordinating the application through the approval process, and to work closely with the Chairpersons of the Classification and Membership Development committees;

iv) a member who is considering proposing a prospect is advised to seek the counsel of the Secretary/Treasurer regarding any members who hold classifications related to the prospective member’s field prior to the member making a significant commitment to the prospect (e.g., lunch, introductions, and application);

v) even after consulting with the Secretary/Treasurer, a member should continue to be discreet and conditional when discussing potential membership with the prospective member so as to avoid the possibility of embarrassment;

vi) out of respect for our current members’ classifications, the Classification Committee shall consult with current members who hold the same and closely-related classifications as the prospective member in an effort to gather personal knowledge of the prospective member and to determine a classification for the prospective member; any information from, or recommendations of, consulted members shall be noted on the application form;

vii)  persons proposed for membership must meet the qualifications specified in the constitution of Rotary International Article 5, Section 2, Sub-section (a): 

A club shall be composed of adult persons who demonstrate good character, integrity, and leadership; possess good reputation within their business, profession, and/or community; and are willing to serve in their community and/or around the world


having their place of business or residence located in the locality of the club or the surrounding area. A member moving from the locality of the club or the surrounding area may retain membership in the club where the member’s board grants such permission and said member continues to meet all conditions of club membership.

viii) persons proposed for membership who have been a member of another Rotary club are granted no special privilege in the approval process except exemption from any classification limitations according to the Standard Rotary Club Constitution Article 5, Section 2(b); and

ix) in addition to the proposer, the application must be endorsed by at least three members, two of which must be Board members. (9/18/01; Amended 4/16/03, 12/16/08, 5/4/10, and 4/18/17)

B.  Distribution. The Secretary/Treasurer, upon receipt of complete membership proposal forms, shall immediately send copies to the President, the Membership Development Committee and the Classification Committee at the same time and inform the Board of this action at the next meeting. (11/9/82; Amended 5/18/93, 4/16/03 and 5/4/10)

C.  Time Limit on Processing. Each committee involved with the processing of prospective members' applications shall have a maximum of 30 days’ time to return its report to the Board on each application.  (8/14/73)

  1. Prospective Member Meal Charges. The club shall pay the cost of up to two lunches for a prospective member after the first lunch is purchased by a member or the prospective member.  (4/16/03)


  1. Membership Invitation. If a proposed member does not immediately accept or reject an invitation for membership in the Club, the offer will automatically terminate 30 days from the date that the Board requested the Secretary/Treasurer to notify the proposer to obtain permission of the proposed member to bulletin his name. If the offer is rejected, or terminated, the proposed member's name cannot be resubmitted for membership for a period of one year from the date of such rejection, or termination.  (3/3/70)
  1. Election of Honorary Members. Honorary membership automatically renews on the 1st day of July after the date of election unless Board action is taken to discontinue the Honorary membership status as honorary.
  1. New Member and Resignation Information. The Gear shall publish member information and a picture for new members of the Club and the names of members who have resigned from the Club. (8/11/81, Amended 3/17/87)
  1. Procedure For Handling Termination Of Membership Under Article 15 of the Club constitution.

When an active member ceases to have the necessary qualifications for membership, the Secretary/Treasurer will personally contact the member and explain the options that are available to maintain Club membership according to the exceptions that are outlined in Article 15, Section 2(a) of the Club constitution.  If one of the exceptions would apply to this member’s situation, the Secretary/Treasurer will assist in taking the action that would be appropriate.

If none of the exceptions outlined in Article 15, Section 2(a) are applicable, the following steps shall be taken:

a) the Secretary/Treasurer shall immediately inform such member in writing that membership has automatically terminated;

b) such terminated member should be advised that a new application could be submitted when eligibility requirements are met;

c) if re-elected to membership, such applying member shall not be required to pay a second admission (initiation) fee;

Procedure For Re-Admission

d) the regular application form should be completed by such terminated member and submitted to the Secretary/Treasurer in accordance with Article 15, Section 2(b) of the Club constitution;

e) the Secretary/Treasurer presents the application to the Board, which may request the Classification and Membership Development committees to consider and report to the Board on the eligibility of such proposed member; and

f) the Board shall then consider and proceed to ballot on such proposed member and if approved by a majority vote, the proposed member shall be considered duly elected to membership in which case bulletining such member to Club membership shall be waived. (5/13/80, Amended 11/15/94, 4/16/03 and 5/04/10)


  1. Delegates to Conventions. Expenses for official delegates to the International Convention will be determined by each Board, and are to be set up as a separate item in the budget.  Funds are for the Vice President/President-elect only, unless the Vice President/President-elect cannot attend the convention.  In this case, the Vice President/President-elect shall propose an alternate delegate to the Board (usually the President-nominee). (6/22/82, Amended 5/20/86 and 4/16/03)
  1. District Conference Expense. Each Board shall provide $150.00 as a separate item in the budget for District Conference expenses to be divided evenly between the current President, President-elect and Secretary/Treasurer, or such of them who attend the Conference.  (6/22/82)
  1. Rotary Foundation. Charities will make a $50.00 contribution to The Rotary Foundation for each new member elected to membership, funded by the member's contribution upon joining.  These funds shall be credited either to begin the new member's own account as a sustaining member, or in the event the new member chooses not to become a sustaining member, the $50.00 contribution shall become available for use as matching funds to promote participation and support of The Rotary Foundation.  (10/11/76, Amended 10/19/93)


  1. Perfect Attendance

A.  Definition and Calculation

A member shall achieve one year of perfect attendance if that member, without exception, attends or makes up all meetings held by the Club in any Rotary fiscal year.

A member, whose only absences during the fiscal year were excused by the Board of Directors of this Club, may achieve 100% attendance during a fiscal year according to Club records, but having been absent shall not have a perfect attendance record for that fiscal year.

If membership in this Club commences at any time other than the beginning week of the fiscal year, a member shall not have a perfect attendance record for that fiscal year, unless the member had a perfect attendance record from the beginning of that fiscal year at another Rotary club and joined this Club without a lapse in Rotary membership.

The Club shall recognize two classes of perfect attendance achievement - consecutive years of perfect attendance and aggregate, or non-consecutive, years of perfect attendance.  Members may decide which class they wish to use in the calculation of their achievement and may change the class used annually.

The Club shall make reasonable efforts to track the years of perfect attendance achieved by each member of the Club, but shall also solicit this information from the membership annually in an effort to ensure accuracy in recognizing perfect attendance.

B.  Recognition

The Club shall recognize annually in the Club bulletin those members who achieved a perfect attendance record for the prior fiscal year.

The Club shall award lapel pins or other suitable recognition annually to those members who have achieved perfect attendance for a period of one year, five years, or any number of years, which is a multiple of five years under either class of perfect attendance.  This recognition shall take place at a regular Club meeting preferably held no later than August of each year.  The two classes of perfect attendance achievement shall be distinguished at the time of recognition. The purchase of lapel pins or other recognition shall be at the expense of the Club.

Members who believe that they have met the requirements for perfect attendance may request, and be awarded, recognition in spite of any conflicts with the records of the Club.  (1/19/93)


  1. Excused from Attendance. Those members who have been excused from attendance under Article 12, Section 3(b) of the Club constitution will pay dues as established by the Board and will pay for meals when attending Club meetings at the normal visitors' charge.  Excused members’ dues plus meal charges shall not exceed the regular members’ dues. (11/21/89, Amended 11/23/93 and 5/16/95)
  1. Leave of Absence. Members granted leaves of absence under Club Bylaws, Article IX, shall pay dues as established by the Board and will pay for meals when attending Club meetings at the normal visitors' charge.  Requests for leaves of absence must be received by the Secretary/Treasurer no later than three weeks after the beginning of the period being requested for such leaves, unless the Board specifically waives this provision due to some unusual circumstance.  (2/18/97)
  1. Meal Credits. Members who are retired and who will be on an extended leave for a period of more than four (4) weeks, by making written application to the Board, will be given consideration for a meal credit for each of the meetings they make up while on extended leave.  (3/3/70)


  1. Executive Secretary. The permanent paid executive secretary is crucial to the smooth running of our Club and its continuity. The position is primarily one of support for the President in the Club’s administration, support for the Secretary/Treasurer in financial management and reporting, and support for the Secretary/Treasurer in all Club correspondence and membership matters.  The executive secretary shall not be a member, or the Rotary partner of a member, of the Rotary Club of South Jacksonville.  (11/15/94, Amended 4/16/03)
  1. Budget.

A.  Budget Goal. The Club’s Board of Directors shall adopt a budget consistent with the goal of attaining at least a $20,000 operating fund balance at June 30th of the budgeted year or future years.  (11/23/93)

B.  Budget Notification. The committee chairpersons are to be notified of their budgets by the President, and are responsible for operation within them.  (3/3/70)

  1. Secretary/Treasurer.

A.  Account Management. The Secretary/Treasurer has the authority and discretion to transfer funds from the Club's and Charities’ checking account to the savings account and vice versa, in order to take advantage of additional earnings for the Club and Charities. (3/3/70)

B.  Budget. The Secretary/Treasurer shall present a budget for all income and expense accounts of the Club and Charities at the first meeting of the Rotary year for the respective Boards.  (4/16/03)

C.  Financial Review. The Secretary/Treasurer shall obtain an annual financial review of the Club and Charities, which financial review may be performed by a member of this Club.  After the Financial Management committee reviews and approves of the financial review, the results of the financial review shall be presented to the Board by the Secretary/Treasurer or the Avenue Director overseeing the Financial Management committee.  (4/16/03)

  1. Secretary/Treasurer-elect. The Secretary/Treasurer-elect shall approve of the budget for the Officer Installation Banquet, if any, held just prior to the Secretary/Treasurer-elect’s term of office.  (11/23/93)
  1. Good Government Award Committee. An annual Good Government Award or Awards may be given to an appropriate recipient or recipients selected by a committee appointed by the Board.  The selection shall be approved by the Board.  The recipient or recipients may, or may not, be a member of this Club.  (1/4/72, Amended 5/20/86)
  1. Charities Scholarships. Each year, $2,000 in Interact scholarships shall be included in the Budget presented to the Charities Board. The Charities Board shall have the authority and discretion to adopt the Budget with or without these scholarship funds.  (7/8/89, Amended 4/16/03)
  1. Service Above Self Award. The Frank W. Sherman-Service Above Self Award was established in honor of our charter president and sponsored by the American National Bank.  An annual award shall be given to a Rotarian in the greater Jacksonville area who has demonstrated service to Rotary, the Rotarian’s business or profession and community.  The recipient shall be selected by a committee appointed by the President and approved by the Board.  The award shall be presented at the January meeting celebrating Founders’ Day. (5/21/96)
  1. Rotaract. Rotaract members may attend Rotary Club board meetings.  (7/16/91, Amended 7/16/96)
  1. Guidelines for Selecting Board Members. In selecting nominees for the Board of Directors, the Board shall elect a Nominating Committee to present a recommended slate of nominees using the following guidelines:

a) the Board Members are elected for a term of two years, five being elected each year, vacancies being filled for the unexpired term of the person creating the vacancy;

b) the nominee for the Board of Directors of the Rotary Club of South Jacksonville ought to have been a member of some Rotary Club for at least two years;

c) the nominee ought to have served successfully as Chairperson of an active committee in Rotary;

d) Club attendance records of prospective nominees should be carefully reviewed and the attendance ought to exceed 90 percent;

e) attendance at Club and at District Assemblies should also be considered, as well as attendance at District Conferences and International conventions;

f) each nominee should be personally asked by the committee of a willingness to serve if elected;

g) the prospective nominee should agree if elected to:

1)  maintain at least a 90 percent attendance if possible;

2)  attend monthly Board Meetings;

3)  be available to serve as an Avenue Chairperson if selected by the President, and to attend the Club Assembly;

4)  consider being available to serve as President if chosen by the Board; and

5)  attend the District Assemblies, Institutes, and Conferences while a Board Member.  (3/3/70) 

  1. Presidents Advisory Committee (“Plumbline” Committee). To provide guidance to the President and Board as needed for resolving difficult or controversial issues.  Matters are to be referred to the committee by the President or by a majority vote of the Board.  The committee shall consist each year of all living past presidents of the Club with the immediate past president serving as Chairperson.  Five past presidents constitute a quorum.  The committee shall report back to the Board through the President and its recommendations shall be advisory only, with final decision resting with the Board of Directors. (2002-3)
  1. Intraclub “MVP” Award. An award shall be given annually to a member of our Club to recognize outstanding vocational and community accomplishments and Club service during the Rotary year. The selection may be made by the President or by committee appointed by the President.  If a committee is appointed, the committee shall make a recommendation to the Avenue Director and the President and the selection shall remain secret until the award is presented at a Club meeting. The President or the committee for this award shall have the discretion to change the name of the award.  (4/16/03)
  1. Charities Board. All Directors and Officers for the Rotary Club of South Jacksonville, Inc. shall serve in the same capacities for the Rotary Club of South Jacksonville Charities, Inc.  (4/16/03)


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